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5 Things Successful Women are Doing Right Now

Posted by Casey Willetts on

5 Things Successful Women are Doing Right Now

I'll be honest - I haven't been highly motivated lately.  I certainly wouldn't claim to be "successful" right now, either.

In fact, last week I spent the afternoon at the beach doing nothing! 

Did I have work to do?  Of course - there's always something to do when you have your own business!

But I wasn't feeling "it", and I haven't been feeling "it" for the past few weeks.

What did I do?  I changed my mindset.

Instead of feeling like I had to do "something", I gave myself permission to do "nothing".  And when I did "nothing", I liked it!  In fact, the women that have admitted this are the ones that have a grip on the current situation and, in fact, are the most successful (in my eyes).  

So what did I notice?

I've observed 5 traits amongst women that are not only surviving Covid-19 but are successfully thriving.  And it made me thing maybe I'm not doing too bad:

1.  Successful women are supporting each other.  I am seeing women support each other financially by purchasing from small businesses.  We've seen an increase in our online sales, and many of them are from first-time women buyers who intentionally choose to support us.  Amazing!  In addition, I've seen so much encouragement online: "you got this", "hang in there", "reach out for help".  Empowered women empower women.  It's happening now more than ever and I love it!

2.  Successful women are taking time to STOP.  It's ok to do "nothing" after a life of busy hectic chaos!  Stop worrying about things you can not control.  Stop mindlessly scrolling through social media.  Stop judging yourself to others.  Stop working and go to the beach.  Just. Stop.

3.  Successful women are trusting her instincts.  I've been sending my 5 kids to school (we are essential workers and also have 2 vulnerable children in our care), but last week my 11 year old son was acting weird and I offered to let him stay home from school because I wanted to spend time with him.  By doing so, it came out that he was nervous about going to high school next year.  I was so glad he admitted this!  

Sure, it's not a huge thing, but I listened to my instincts to spend time with him.  As mothers, we are being mindful of the changes in our children's lives, too, and trusting our instincts to do what's best for them.

4.  Successful women are prioritizing quality time.  Raise your hand if your pre-Covid days were spent rushing around to soccer/dance/piano/tennis lessons?  Did you find yourself rushing to make fast/healthy/easy meals?  Were you mindful of time, schedules, bedtimes?  Yes Yes Yes!!  

Sure, life is still busy, but I'm prioritizing quality time with the family and reaching out to friends.  I'm making the time to chat with each kid 1-on-1.  We are taking more picnics (and supporting other small businesses!) and going on hikes.  Finding the work/life balance has always been our Business priority, but now the Life part is more important than ever.

5.  Successful women are adapting their business.  ​These past few months have definitely been challenging for small businesses around the world.  I quickly realised that we would have to adapt to avoid closing the doors.  How?  I've been spending more time focusing on providing value for YOU my customer.  ​Our online presence is increased, I am providing new products (our Coconut Lime Cakes have been our #1 local seller!), developing new products (coming soon!), posting behind-the-scenes videos, and experimenting with new sales/deals for our online store.  

I am ALWAYS open to ideas for our customers and receptive to what you want, the need you have, and how we can help.

So - what about you?  

After reflecting on these 5 pillars of "success", I realise that maybe I'm doing ok after all...

As always, I'd love to hear from you!  Are you "successful" right now?  Is there anything you would add to this list?

Take care & chat soon,


Founder & CEO


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