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Are you a Breakfast person?

Posted by Casey Willetts on

Are you a breakfast person?

Do you wake up in the morning hungry, or do you go a few hours before your first meal?

Is your breakfast sweet or savoury?

Last year, I was inspired to make a Coconut Granola, and I asked our customers these questions​ in the aim to create the perfect granola combo.   Do I use nuts?  Seeds?  Sweetener or not?

Turns out, creating the perfect Coconut Granola was easy: use the finest & freshest Australian local ingredients and bake.

Made with Australian-grown coconut, pecans, almonds, oats, macadamias, and sweetened with maple syrup and coconut sugar, it's not a surprise that our Coconut Granola is one of our best-selling products.

Did you know you can get the Coconut Granola delivered to you on a regular basis?  We have a Subscription Service that saves you 10% automatically, and you can select to have your order delivered every 2 weeks to few months.  One customer orders 450 grams each week, but most customers choose monthly orders.  One customer said this about her subscription:

"Thanks so much again Casey & fam. Im always happy to receive my yummy Coconut Granola."

​Here's how it works:

1) select the product/s you want for your subscription and choose SUBSCRIBE AND SAVE.  The Coconut Granola is the most popular item for the Subscription Service, but most people also add a few other items - say, Coconut Chips or Dried Mango - since the shipping is flat $10.95.  You save 10% on all the items.... just make sure they are all on the same Delivery schedule (ex every 1 month).​  See this picture:


2) When you finish adding your products, proceed to Checkout.  Make sure your products are on the same Delivery schedule; in this picture, you will see each is being delivered Every 1 Month.  Each product also has the 10% discount automatically applied!


3) Checkout as usual.  You can select the Regular $10.95 shipping or Express.  And, like all orders, you will continue to earn your Reward Points.  When you're ready to cash them in, send us an email and we can help.  Last month one of our regular customers redeemed his points for a $30 online voucher!  The points add up, and your Subscription Service makes it happen faster.


Love the Coconut Granola?  You can save money AND eat well with Beach Harvest Coconuts.  

You can shop the Granola here and our range of products here.  Have questions about setting up your Subscription Service?  Let us know & we can help.

Have a great week and I look forward to hearing from you soon.



Founder & CEO, Beach Harvest Australian Coconuts


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